February 5, 2020

Your Guide to Choosing the Best JC Subject Combination for Yourself

Junior Colleges prepares you for University and so the right subject combination is important. Here is a guide on choosing your best JC subject combination.
January 10, 2020

How to Perform Better While Studying LESS

This article provides tips that are aimed at improving the learning quality in class and studying efficiency.
November 20, 2017

7 Tricks to Learn Faster in School

Are you having trouble learning quickly for school? Check out these seven tricks for understanding and remembering the material.
January 7, 2020

Transiting from Secondary School to Junior College: What you need to know

This article gives 4 tips on how to survive the transition from Secondary School to Junior College.
April 3, 2019

The Dilemma of the Century: 1-1 or Group Tuition?

Singaporean parents are best known for being Kiasu, and would engage private tutors for their children to have a competitive edge over others. One huge question lingers for these parents though: 1-1 or Group Tuition?
March 29, 2019

A Rafflesian Journey from S to A – Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs

A recent 2018 A Level graduate from Raffles Institution (RI) describes how she moved from an S grade to an A after chemistry tuition with Julian Chemistry.
May 3, 2018

Receiving the Stanford University Terman Award

In 2017, Mr Julian Tan was invited to Stanford University to receive the Terman Award from former student and Terman Scholar, Rachel, in recognition of his influence on her Chemistry journey.
October 9, 2018

Key Skills Gained From Learning Chemistry

Chemistry is, with no doubt, one of the core subjects that is not only required as pre-requisite when applying for university courses but also serves as central science through which other sciences such as physics, biology and geology connect to each other. At the O-level, you are required to take at least two sciences, chemistry being compulsory. Of course, there has to be a valid reason as to why it has to be this way. In an attempt to solve this puzzle, we have summed up some of the key skills gained from learning chemistry.
November 27, 2018

2018 Nobel Prizes: An Insight into the Winners and Their Accomplishments

2018 has been a monumental year as we had two female scientists win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Physics. Let’s take a look at the 2018 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry and Physics and their contributions to the world of science.