Joei Huang

March 29, 2019

A Rafflesian Journey from S to A – Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs

A recent 2018 A Level graduate from Raffles Institution (RI) describes how she moved from an S grade to an A after chemistry tuition with Julian Chemistry.
February 1, 2019

Five Tips on Excelling in H2 Chemistry

This article is written by a recent A Level graduate who scored B3 in O-Level Pure Chemistry but went on to score the much coveted ‘A’ Grade in A Level H2 Chemistry - sharing the 5 principles to excel in H2 Chemistry!
January 31, 2019

Hard Truths for Prospective JC1 Students

This article discusses the reasons why many students find Junior College Year 1 (JC1) education challenging these days by looking at the system itself. Through this article, parents can get up-to-speed with the demands of the current GCE A-Level education in Singapore.
December 28, 2018

Why Study at Julian Chemistry Tuition Centre

At Julian Chemistry, students walk away not just with Chemistry concepts, but also appreciate how the skills acquired in mastering this discipline can be used to better ensure success in their further studies and in life. The following are reasons that make us the best Chemistry tuition centre in Singapore.
November 27, 2018

2018 Nobel Prizes: An Insight into the Winners and Their Accomplishments

2018 has been a monumental year as we had two female scientists win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Physics. Let’s take a look at the 2018 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry and Physics and their contributions to the world of science.
October 9, 2018

Key Skills Gained From Learning Chemistry

Chemistry is, with no doubt, one of the core subjects that is not only required as pre-requisite when applying for university courses but also serves as central science through which other sciences such as physics, biology and geology connect to each other. At the O-level, you are required to take at least two sciences, chemistry being compulsory. Of course, there has to be a valid reason as to why it has to be this way. In an attempt to solve this puzzle, we have summed up some of the key skills gained from learning chemistry.
July 9, 2018

Note-Taking Skills for Chemistry and Other Classes

Want to get the full benefit from your chemistry tuition? Discover two ways to take clear, helpful notes.
June 27, 2018

How the Spacing Effect Can Make Your Chemistry Study Sessions Better

Instead of cramming for exams and overloading your brain, follow smart study strategies, like the spacing effect.
May 3, 2018

Receiving the Stanford University Terman Award

In 2017, Mr Julian Tan was invited to Stanford University to receive the Terman Award from former student and Terman Scholar, Rachel, in recognition of his influence on her Chemistry journey.